Showing posts from 2023

Conditional Statements in Python

In Python, if-else statements are used to execute a piece of code if a condition is true or not. …

String Methods in Python: Part-2

Welcome to the second part of this series on string methods in Python! Here, I shall be telling you about so…

String Methods in Python: Part-1

Hello, readers. I am going to explain some important string methods in Python in this multi-part series. I …

A Recap of Python

Hello readers! I am posting on this blog after a long time and have decided to continue with Python. Since …

C++ Basics: Part 1

In this multi part series, we seek to explain some of the basics of the C++ language and some related t…

User Input in C++

User input in C++ can be given by using the cin keyword along with the extraction operator ">>&qu…

Variables in C++

Variables in C++ are to be written in a bracket next to the data type intended for the variable. The main da…

Data Types in C++

The data types in C++ are- 1. Integer- The keyword used for integer data types is 'int'. Integers …

C++ Comments

Comments in C++ are quite easy to understand and are just for your clarity. They are ignored by the compiler…

Displaying the text in C++

How to print text in C++? There is a simple way of printing text in C++. You can use the 'cout' obj…

C++ Syntax

Parts of C++ Code To understand the C++ the code, we are going to look at some part of a sample code. Let u…

Intro to C++

What is C++? C++ is a popular coding language that was developed in the 1980s as an extension of the C lang…

Python Tuples

Tuples are another one of the 4 in-built data types in Python. They are very similar to lists but have some …

Python Lists : Part 2

In the previous post, I have covered the basics of Python lists. Here, I am going to give some more informat…

Python Lists : Part - 1

What are lists? In Python, lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. All values in …

Python Operators: Part-2

I am going to explain about the following Python operators in this post- Logical Operators …

Python Operators: Part-1

What are operators in Python? In Python, operators are symbols or special keywords that represent differ…

Booleans in Python

Boolean is an in-built data type of Python. It is used to represent two values: True or False . For e…

Numbers in Python

Types of numbers in Python Python has three built in numeric data types- Integer ( int…

Data Types in Python

What are Data Types? Data types are the classification or categorisation of knowledge items. It repres…

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